6mmproshop Airsoft Mechanical Bb Simulator Hand Grenade

6mmproshop Airsoft Mechanical Bb Simulator Hand Grenade

Just a little scrap of groundwork, I saw a video of this gun back in October and immediately became interested. I'one thousand a big fan of both the Terminator films and Westerns, own a mod reproduction of the Winchester 1887, and had been long because ownership a Marushin M1887 and seeing if I could convert it to 6mm- so when I saw that a clone of the Marushin was coming out, and in 6mm no less, I jumped at the opportunity.

So first things first, hither's how it comes out of the box.


Not too bad, actually. The finish on the wood is terrible, and the matte black terminate looks a footling weird compared to the distinctly metallic end on the real matter, but the whole gun is aluminum and the grips are decent quality wood. Information technology feels solid. I've owned quite a few cheap pot metal guns and it doesn't experience like that at all, and I wouldn't be concerned about breakage.

That said, it's aluminum. Repeatedly opening it up to mess with the grips and internals has worn at the threading and information technology's in danger of stripping screws. Simply have to be gentle with it.

Then firstly, working with the externals, I sanded the wood down, easily removing the cheap stain and cease. I stained information technology with a few light coats of Minwax Gunstock, then sealed with several layers of Tung oil. Equally I said, the wood is much improve quality than the finish indicates, and I think it came out pretty well. I also wanted the gun to accept a more metallic sheen, and while I could try wearing downward the paint to expose aluminum, I was concerned that oxidizing aluminum would accept the wrong finish. So, I buffed it with powdered graphite. My point hither is that while it may look like a cheap toy out of the box, it's not made of terrible materials and can await much better with merely a little bit of work. I did endeavor fitting the full stock from my existent 1887, and it would have just a little bit of removing woods to make it fit, and so I ordered a second total stock and so as not to modify the i I apply on the real shotgun for obvious condom reasons.


Now onto operation. First, it uses light-green gas or duster, through a make full valve cleverly hidden backside the hammer arm. With the hammer uncocked, yous open the activity fully, and information technology exposes the valve. Considering the valve is recessed, the gun comes with a small fill needle extension, only I plant I didn't need it for my propane adapter. It was hard to get a expert image hither- the gun is pointing to the right, and yous're looking at the lever assembly in the foreground.


Next, the shells. The gun comes with five of them. Each trounce is a CNCed aluminum tube with a plastic sleeve/cap friction-fit over it, with an O-ring at either end. The design is near identical to the Maruzen M870/M1100 shells, only slightly shorter and with an interesting recessed rim design. Unlike the Maruzens, the interior is non simply a single 6mm hollow tube. It has a larger 6mm hollow tube big enough to concord the Bulletin board system, which narrows into a 4-5mm channel for the gas, similar airsoft revolver shells. Because the Bulletin board system tin can simply fit in the short, larger section, each shell only holds up to iii Bbs. That's better than a single shot I suppose, but yet pretty stupid since I see no reason whatsoever why the shell could not be opened up with a drill bit to hold 8 or nine Bbs instead like the Maruzens. It looks to me similar it was merely cloned from the 8mm Marushin, which simply held 3 BBs, which is a disappointing missed opportunity for comeback.

Below on the correct is the stock beat out. You can come across the O-band that holds the BBs in and the 6mm tube, and just the finish of the gas aqueduct. On the left is a bootleg shell- nosotros'll go to that.


So now with the shells loaded with 1-3 BBs each, they become loaded into the gun. Oh, here's where the fun begins. It seems simple enough- open up the activeness, push the carrier downwards with a shell, slide it into the tube. In practice, nonetheless, if yous button the carrier also far down the crush but runs into the lesser of the magazine tube, and the shell won't go into the tube unless it's almost parallel, necessitating a very bad-mannered movement to load it. If your finger slips, the follower or already-loaded shells ram the ane you're trying to load back, and and so you have to wedge it forward with your thumb and push it into the tube. This process can exist dramatically improved, as discussed below, simply out of the box it took me almost a total minute to load five shells, and that'due south as someone already used to the funky loading mechanism from the real thing.

Hither'due south what the action looks similar. The lifter is the only significant plastic component on the gun.

Oh yeah, and the gun holds five shells in the tube plus one in the sleeping accommodation. The transmission says iv+1, but the gun holds five in the tube fine. Past comparison, the real thing as well holds five in the tube and one in the bedchamber, simply tin can also hold an boosted crush on the lifter, for a total of vii. This replica tin can't, so it's limited to six.


Once the tube is loaded, the user either loads the last beat out directly into the sleeping accommodation, or onto the carrier. Fully opening the action pushes the lifter upwards, then closing the action loads it into the chamber. Here'south what it looks like with a shell on the lifter.


Pull the trigger to fire, then cycle the activity with the lever. The extraction is extremely polish and reliable, and doesn't ding up the shells or wear downwardly the extractor the manner the Maruzen guns do. It's very polish in operation. Unlike the real ane, information technology does not eject straight up, it flings the shell backwards and a picayune fleck up, and so they get beyond the user's wrist. No complaints here, it does exactly what it's supposed to. I volition note that the gun is a little weak, firing about 330fps with 0.2s and propane at roughly 70F (21C) with just i BB, making it pretty weak with 3 Bulletin board system. That's also fixable.

I'll note here that not only does the gun take a hop-upwardly, but it'due south fifty-fifty adjustable and works pretty well. That's a great feature for a multi-shot shotgun, as most seem to take a fixed hop or no hop at all. The gun comes with a dummy shell with a lever, yous load it into the breech and plough the lever and it adjusts the hop. Pretty slick arrangement.

So now, let's talk about how to make this gun actually useful and non just a cool-looking wall-hanger.

Firstly, the loading organization is the worst function of the gun, by far. Having the lifter go likewise far down and needing to get the beat well-nigh parallel with the tube before it will become in are the two big offenders. Both are surprisingly simple to set up.

To fix the lifter, I glued a small slice of ABS plastic to the lever mechanism, as shown beneath:

When the lifter comes down while the action is open, this piece of plastic is in its path, and arrests its movement, preventing the lifter from going down also far. Once the action is airtight, information technology gets out of the way so the gun can feed.

Action closed:


Activeness open:


The 2d problem is with the tube. I don't have whatever pictures every bit it's hard to get to, but it turns out there'due south a pocket-sized gap between the tube and the frame by design, which is what the follower engages to keep it in the tube. If the shells are existence pushed in at an bending, they hitting the lip formed by this gap, and won't become in. My solution was to fill this gap with a flake of epoxy putty, then smoothen information technology out with sandpaper. Now I can load shells in at a steeper and less awkward angle. These ii changes make the gun much easier to load and fix the primary problem with using the gun.

Another issue is the power. Information technology's pretty lacking. Thankfully the hammer spring is easy to get to and tin can exist aptitude or shimmed to give information technology a bit more power. Easy.

And lastly, the shells. Initially I was going to talk about how shells aren't sold separately, but it seems that in the final day Evike has added a 5-pack of shells for $18 to their site (despite telling me final week that they had no plans to do then), and then the issue is at present less the unavailability of shells and more their cost and 3-BB chapters. Although $iii.60 apiece is cheaper than whatsoever other airsoft shell I've seen, getting a decent combat load of xxx-fifty represents an expensive investment, and again, three Bulletin board system apiece, and then might likewise merely become a tri-shot.

My options were to use a drill to open out the stock shells, or to build new ones from scratch. I opted for the latter. These shells are composed of 5/8" ABS tubing, 20ga shotgun hulls, an assortment of steel and nylon washers, and rubber O-rings. They're extremely easy to make, feed and cycle as well as the stock ones, concord 9 BBs apiece (woohoo!), and only toll about a dollar in materials each. If anyone's interested I'd be happy to item the materials and construction procedure.

Stock and custom shell comparison:


And in the gun:


I last shot, the concluding result:


A lot of people meet shell-ejecting shotguns as unskirmishable gimmicks, but personally I've never had any problem with my Maruzens, and I'g feeling confident that with these modifications this gun will be a serious contender in CQB. I intend to become some shooting footage every bit before long equally I have the opportuntiy in the next couple of weeks. Hope this was helpful!

6mmproshop Airsoft Mechanical Bb Simulator Hand Grenade

Posted by: brucescland.blogspot.com

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